Following the passing of Fr. Michael P. Jacques, SSE, an endowment was established by his family to support the students of St. Peter Claver School.
Though St. Peter Claver School is no longer in operation, the “Very Rev. Michael P. Jacques S.S.E, V.F. Memorial Endowment” continues his legacy by supporting the Catholic education tuition costs incurred by registered parishioners / families of St. Peter Claver parish attending either local Catholic elementary or high schools.
Distribution are made annually to the parish at the discretion of the pastor of St. Peter Claver Catholic Church.
To make a donation to the endowment, please complete the form below.
For questions, please contact Pam Richard with the Catholic Community Foundation at 504.596.3044 or [email protected].
Thank you for your generosity!
This gift is managed through the Catholic Community Foundation.
All gifts to this fund are tax-deductible.
If you wish to send a written check, please make it out to:
Very Rev. Michael Jacques Endowment
c/o Catholic Community Foundation
7887 Walmsley Ave.
New Orleans, LA 70125